Here are some of the more memorable, month-by-month occasions from 2006. Kinda fun to reflect back on the year. Click on the photo, for a more detailed caption of these photos and their meanings.
Thanks to all who came along for the ride!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
2006 in Review
Well, most bloggers complete this meme. Who am I to buck such a trend?
1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? I touched Jimmy Pankow's hand after a Chicago concert, and I visited the states of Texas and South Dakota for the first time. I was in Texas for the Ohio State vs. Texas game, and was in South Dakota because of work.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I, like every year since 1990, vowed to lose weight. I lost about 20 pounds, twice this year, but I find myself on the high end again. I struggle immensly with this whole
lifestyle change. Aaah! But, I'm committed to doing it right in 2007...consistently, so that I can have a different resolution for 2008.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No
4. Did anyone close to you die? No
5. What places did you visit? Too many to mention. Football and my job took me to several locations, as well as a vacation to Niagara Falls.
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? A regular sleep schedule, no travel committments for my job, and a fit body.
7. What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Hmm. Well, November 18th was rather important, as my beloved Buckeyes beat scUM, 42-39.
8. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year? I can't think of a response to this one. Pretty sad, really.
9. What was your biggest failure? Getting back on caffeine. Ugh! I had it licked.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yep. I had a stress fracture in my foot. Spent March on crutches and in a boot.
11. What was the best thing you bought? Sloopy, I think. Though she's not here yet.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Heisman trophy winner Troy Smith, and the rest of the Ohio State Buckeyes. I'm so proud of them!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? There are some things at work that are being ignored. If they continue to be ignored, I'm thinking the problems will get worse.
14. Where did most of your money go? Ohio State Football, Rubberstamping, and my mortgage. (I cringe to think of the order I placed them in random order).
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Ohio State beating Texas and Iowa in September. Those huge victories really set the tone for the rest of the season.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006? Unwritten, by Natasha Bedingfield. (located on the sidebar if interested in listening to). I think the lyrics really hit me and are quite relevant to my life.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? depends on the day and time.
b) thinner or fatter? about the same (ugh!)
c) richer or poorer? poorer
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Exercise! I just didn't want to move much this year.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? spend less time on the internet. I can, and do, spend many hours surfing aimlessly. Searching what? I must ask myself. What is missing from my own life that I'm searching for.
20. How did you spend Christmas this year? I went to my parents. My dad had a nasty stomach virus though, so it wasn't that jolly. I'm just glad he's feeling better.
21. Did you fall in love in 2006? Haha! No. Sadly, no.
22. How many one-night stands? None of your business, but I'm sure you can guess accurately if you really wanted too.
23. What was your favorite TV program? I enjoy "My Name is Earl" but I'm not liking it at 8:00 this season. I'm not ready for television so early. I'm inspired by "The Biggest Loser".
24. What did you do for your birthday in 2006? Went to a Chicago concert in Rising Sun, IN. Touched Jimmy's hand. Caught Keith's guitar pick. Was one of the greatest days of my life.
25. What was the best book you read? "Charmed Thirds" by Megan McCafferty. Love me some Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Didn't discover anything really. I tend to listen to the oldies...70's and 80's music. LOL!
27. What did you want and get? A win against scUM. A way better Curves, thanks to the new owner.
28. What did you want and not get? Cheap gasoline prices??? I don't know. I usually get what I want. And, my Buckeyes this year surely gave me what I wanted.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? I don't really watch movies. Sorry.
30. Did you make some new friends this year? Friends? No. Acquaintances? Yes.
31.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More sleep on a regular basis. And, a slimmer, healthier body. These are two things I can control.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? Elastic.
33. What kept you sane? My faith (?) that things will get brighter.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I don't know.
35. What political issue stirred you the most? The war. Our very messed up school funding issues.
36. Who did you miss? I'm not going to say his name. But, I will say, after several years, it is getting a wee bit better.
37. Who was the best new person you met? Call me crazy, but I think my periodontist.
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006. I'm starting to realize, that if I want it...I've got to do it.
I'm hoping for a good 2007 year. I feel as though everything around me is great (the Buckeyes), but I personally am in a slump. I'm sluggish. I'm lazy.
1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? I touched Jimmy Pankow's hand after a Chicago concert, and I visited the states of Texas and South Dakota for the first time. I was in Texas for the Ohio State vs. Texas game, and was in South Dakota because of work.
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I, like every year since 1990, vowed to lose weight. I lost about 20 pounds, twice this year, but I find myself on the high end again. I struggle immensly with this whole
lifestyle change. Aaah! But, I'm committed to doing it right in 2007...consistently, so that I can have a different resolution for 2008.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No
4. Did anyone close to you die? No
5. What places did you visit? Too many to mention. Football and my job took me to several locations, as well as a vacation to Niagara Falls.
6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? A regular sleep schedule, no travel committments for my job, and a fit body.
7. What dates from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Hmm. Well, November 18th was rather important, as my beloved Buckeyes beat scUM, 42-39.
8. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year? I can't think of a response to this one. Pretty sad, really.
9. What was your biggest failure? Getting back on caffeine. Ugh! I had it licked.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yep. I had a stress fracture in my foot. Spent March on crutches and in a boot.
11. What was the best thing you bought? Sloopy, I think. Though she's not here yet.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Heisman trophy winner Troy Smith, and the rest of the Ohio State Buckeyes. I'm so proud of them!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? There are some things at work that are being ignored. If they continue to be ignored, I'm thinking the problems will get worse.
14. Where did most of your money go? Ohio State Football, Rubberstamping, and my mortgage. (I cringe to think of the order I placed them in random order).
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Ohio State beating Texas and Iowa in September. Those huge victories really set the tone for the rest of the season.
16. What song will always remind you of 2006? Unwritten, by Natasha Bedingfield. (located on the sidebar if interested in listening to). I think the lyrics really hit me and are quite relevant to my life.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? depends on the day and time.
b) thinner or fatter? about the same (ugh!)
c) richer or poorer? poorer
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Exercise! I just didn't want to move much this year.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? spend less time on the internet. I can, and do, spend many hours surfing aimlessly. Searching what? I must ask myself. What is missing from my own life that I'm searching for.
20. How did you spend Christmas this year? I went to my parents. My dad had a nasty stomach virus though, so it wasn't that jolly. I'm just glad he's feeling better.
21. Did you fall in love in 2006? Haha! No. Sadly, no.
22. How many one-night stands? None of your business, but I'm sure you can guess accurately if you really wanted too.
23. What was your favorite TV program? I enjoy "My Name is Earl" but I'm not liking it at 8:00 this season. I'm not ready for television so early. I'm inspired by "The Biggest Loser".
24. What did you do for your birthday in 2006? Went to a Chicago concert in Rising Sun, IN. Touched Jimmy's hand. Caught Keith's guitar pick. Was one of the greatest days of my life.
25. What was the best book you read? "Charmed Thirds" by Megan McCafferty. Love me some Jessica Darling and Marcus Flutie.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery? Didn't discover anything really. I tend to listen to the oldies...70's and 80's music. LOL!
27. What did you want and get? A win against scUM. A way better Curves, thanks to the new owner.
28. What did you want and not get? Cheap gasoline prices??? I don't know. I usually get what I want. And, my Buckeyes this year surely gave me what I wanted.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? I don't really watch movies. Sorry.
30. Did you make some new friends this year? Friends? No. Acquaintances? Yes.
31.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More sleep on a regular basis. And, a slimmer, healthier body. These are two things I can control.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? Elastic.
33. What kept you sane? My faith (?) that things will get brighter.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I don't know.
35. What political issue stirred you the most? The war. Our very messed up school funding issues.
36. Who did you miss? I'm not going to say his name.
37. Who was the best new person you met? Call me crazy, but I think my periodontist.
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006. I'm starting to realize, that if I want it...I've got to do it.
I'm hoping for a good 2007 year. I feel as though everything around me is great (the Buckeyes), but I personally am in a slump. I'm sluggish. I'm lazy.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Arizona State of Mind
Here's another card I made. This card will be sent to my friend who just had lapband surgery last Friday. I'm thinking she'll understand why I chose this southwestern image. I guess I have Arizona on my mind. Nothing wrong with that!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
"Howl" Should I Interpret this Sketch?
I made this card for Sketch Challenge #104 on Splitcoast Stampers. Like I said earlier, I'm going to try really ard to participate in these, as I still maintain that I am layout challenged. I'm hoping these challenges will stretch me. In fact, I know they will. Though this card doesn't look like much, I struggled with what papers, and colors to use where. The coloring of the image was the easy part. I used Prismacolor pencils and tried to do some layering and blending.
In Prismacolor news, I did email Terry Medaris and asked him if he was teaching some classes in the near future. He was kind enough to respond, though unfortunately, he isn't going to be doing any classes when I am in his area. He did say though that he hopes to make it to the midwest. That would be awesome! My dream/goal is to take some of his classes and learn his technique.
In Prismacolor news, I did email Terry Medaris and asked him if he was teaching some classes in the near future. He was kind enough to respond, though unfortunately, he isn't going to be doing any classes when I am in his area. He did say though that he hopes to make it to the midwest. That would be awesome! My dream/goal is to take some of his classes and learn his technique.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Retro-Dub-Dub, A Bear in the Tub!
Every Saturday on Splitcoast Stampers an "Inspiration Challenge" is posted. It is where you look at an everyday object or picture and create a card using that given inspiration.
I had a lot of fun creating this. The inspiration was a picture of a retro looking bathroom. So, I looked at the colors, the retro-ness, and then I remembered I had a Darcie stamp of a bear in the tub. After that, the card became my obsession all night long.
My goal for the coming year is to participate in many more inspiration challenges, because I want to learn how to look at the world around me and use it as a spring board for my cards.
Inspiration picture can be found here:
Retro Bathroom
I had a lot of fun creating this. The inspiration was a picture of a retro looking bathroom. So, I looked at the colors, the retro-ness, and then I remembered I had a Darcie stamp of a bear in the tub. After that, the card became my obsession all night long.
My goal for the coming year is to participate in many more inspiration challenges, because I want to learn how to look at the world around me and use it as a spring board for my cards.
Inspiration picture can be found here:
Retro Bathroom
Thursday, December 21, 2006
'Tis the Season to be a Buckeye
I know you all have been waiting to see this....well, maybe not. But, I have certainly been anxious to post it. I made 48 of the these, starting at the beginning of December. So, I've done nothing else but.
However, I am very pleased with this card for several reasons. First and foremost, I can only send such a card if the Buckeyes had a great season. And that they did/are. I found this Whipper Snapper stamp in Iowa, and I came up with the idea that if the Buckeyes were to win out, I could add my take on "good" and "bad", with the good being,of course, the Buckeyes and the "bad" being our college football foes.
I gave these out at work yesterday, one of which to a graphic artist. She didn't know I made it. She thought it was professionally produced. I take that as probably the highest compliment I could ever receive on this.
For those of you wanting to see the Northwoods ornament card I thought I would be mass-producing, well, stay tuned for next Christmas.
The front of the card reads...."'tis the season".
The inside of the card reads..."to be a, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win."
Tehe! Get it?
Go Buckeyes!!!
However, I am very pleased with this card for several reasons. First and foremost, I can only send such a card if the Buckeyes had a great season. And that they did/are. I found this Whipper Snapper stamp in Iowa, and I came up with the idea that if the Buckeyes were to win out, I could add my take on "good" and "bad", with the good being,of course, the Buckeyes and the "bad" being our college football foes.
I gave these out at work yesterday, one of which to a graphic artist. She didn't know I made it. She thought it was professionally produced. I take that as probably the highest compliment I could ever receive on this.
For those of you wanting to see the Northwoods ornament card I thought I would be mass-producing, well, stay tuned for next Christmas.
The front of the card reads...."'tis the season".
The inside of the card reads..."to be a, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win."
Tehe! Get it?
Go Buckeyes!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Imagine my distress when I ran out of red cardstock as I was working on my Christmas cards on Thursday evening. Tragic, I know. LOL! Granted, I had some red, but not the right shade of red.
Anyway, I bribed M (promising to buy dinner on the way home at great Amish restaurant) into taking me to Hollo's in Cleveland. If you are in Ohio, or surrounding states, you must go to Hollo's if you've never been there. I only buy paper from them, because by the simple fact of the matter...I'm spoiled by them. Once you pay $1.00 per pound for some great, high quality cardstock, you'll not want to fork over the astronomical prices elsewhere.
So, stuck no more. I'd say I'm card-stocked.
Anyway, I bribed M (promising to buy dinner on the way home at great Amish restaurant) into taking me to Hollo's in Cleveland. If you are in Ohio, or surrounding states, you must go to Hollo's if you've never been there. I only buy paper from them, because by the simple fact of the matter...I'm spoiled by them. Once you pay $1.00 per pound for some great, high quality cardstock, you'll not want to fork over the astronomical prices elsewhere.
So, stuck no more. I'd say I'm card-stocked.
Special Moment for Troy Smith, and OSU

Awesome!!! As expected, but none-the-less thrilling, Troy Smith won the Heisman. I am so excited for him. He's so deserving. A very special Buckeye, indeed, that we'll be talking about for years and years. Thanks, Troy, for the memories.
I love this photo of Troy, as I think it just shows true joy. (Photographer is Paul Hawthorne from AP for Hard Rock Cafe).
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Take The Time To Read This Article
Now, I will admit...I'm biased. I couldn't be more proud of him. I'll just say that upfront right now. I predict tears streaming from my face on Saturday evening, I really do.
But, if you take away the name of the given university, and just read his story, I'm anticipating that you'll have some tears rolling down your face too, as you read the article...and maybe on Saturday too.
(Note there is one error in the story, but it doesn't really take away from the story. Troy played backup in seven games in 2004, not 2003 as was mentioned.)
But, if you take away the name of the given university, and just read his story, I'm anticipating that you'll have some tears rolling down your face too, as you read the article...and maybe on Saturday too.
(Note there is one error in the story, but it doesn't really take away from the story. Troy played backup in seven games in 2004, not 2003 as was mentioned.)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Many Thanks
I'm forever grateful to Sloopy's breeder, who has agreed to keep her just a weebit longer. That way, Sloopy can spend some more development time with her mother. And well, I can go do things on January 8th that I need to do. Pictured is a quick card I made for her.
I will say though, for a dog I've never met, I sure do miss Sloopy. I look at her picture all the time. Can't wait for her to be here.
I will say though, for a dog I've never met, I sure do miss Sloopy. I look at her picture all the time. Can't wait for her to be here.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
An Old Sweatshirt from 1997 Now Relevant Again
Rematch with scUM??? Not! They had their chance. Next! We'll take Florida, please.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I can still remember July 3, 2006. It was a summer day. I was very down, feeling as depressed as I could be about my life and how it is nothing as I had envisioned. I took it out on M, blaming him for my lack of everything. Through all of this drama, I learned or came to the realization that I am just very lonely. So tired of being alone.
Later that evening, M and I took a walk to a nearby grocery store, to buy shaving cream I believe. You know, summer...the shaving-legs every-other-day-time-of-the-year. On our walk back from the store, we came across a dachshund running loose. It was very apparent the dog was lost and scared.
The dog started following M & me. We walked around the neighborhood with the hopes the dog would recognize her house. She looked longingly up each driveway. My heart ached for her, while at the same time, fell in love with her. We eventually became comfortable enough with the dog, as she did us, for us to check her collar. There was a phone number. We called it, and rightfully returned Josie her owner.
I have not stopped thinking of that dog. Since meeting Josie, I have checked out books from the library to learn about dachshunds, and I have spent countless hours on Flickr looking at pictures of doxies, and I've surfed the internet looking at breeders, rescues, etc.
For the past six months, I've every now and then mentioned getting a dachshund to M. He never dismissed it and would entertain my yearnings. I wonder if these yearnings are the result of my loneliness? Am I missing motherhood and just want to care for something? With each passing day, these yearnings have gotten stronger, but my head has told me that I'm gone way too much to have a dog. That my parents are going to disapprove (yes, I'm in my late 30's and this is still a concern of mine). That having a dog is something I've never done and that I couldn't possibly begin to imagine the committment it entails.
But last night, my heart spoke louder than my head. It won. I found this adorbable girl, and through some actions that happened more quickly than I could have ever imagined....this sweetie you see here, Sloopy will be her name, is now my baby girl. She'll come to join me at my house on December 16. Oh my!
Later that evening, M and I took a walk to a nearby grocery store, to buy shaving cream I believe. You know, summer...the shaving-legs every-other-day-time-of-the-year. On our walk back from the store, we came across a dachshund running loose. It was very apparent the dog was lost and scared.
The dog started following M & me. We walked around the neighborhood with the hopes the dog would recognize her house. She looked longingly up each driveway. My heart ached for her, while at the same time, fell in love with her. We eventually became comfortable enough with the dog, as she did us, for us to check her collar. There was a phone number. We called it, and rightfully returned Josie her owner.
I have not stopped thinking of that dog. Since meeting Josie, I have checked out books from the library to learn about dachshunds, and I have spent countless hours on Flickr looking at pictures of doxies, and I've surfed the internet looking at breeders, rescues, etc.
For the past six months, I've every now and then mentioned getting a dachshund to M. He never dismissed it and would entertain my yearnings. I wonder if these yearnings are the result of my loneliness? Am I missing motherhood and just want to care for something? With each passing day, these yearnings have gotten stronger, but my head has told me that I'm gone way too much to have a dog. That my parents are going to disapprove (yes, I'm in my late 30's and this is still a concern of mine). That having a dog is something I've never done and that I couldn't possibly begin to imagine the committment it entails.
But last night, my heart spoke louder than my head. It won. I found this adorbable girl, and through some actions that happened more quickly than I could have ever imagined....this sweetie you see here, Sloopy will be her name, is now my baby girl. She'll come to join me at my house on December 16. Oh my!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Hobo Bum Card
Made this card just for fun...given some time restraints though I might have to turn it into a birthday card for my dad. I purchased this stamp in Wisconsin. He was on clearance!
I do need to get going on my christmas cards. I haven't made a one. I had originally planned to use the ornaments stamp by Northwoods, but now, since my beloved Buckeyes are headed to the desert, I have a whole new design in mind. Stay tuned!
I do need to get going on my christmas cards. I haven't made a one. I had originally planned to use the ornaments stamp by Northwoods, but now, since my beloved Buckeyes are headed to the desert, I have a whole new design in mind. Stay tuned!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Vote For Tressel
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Congratulations Buckeyes!
What a win!
What a season!
What a fantastic team!
We are all so proud of you!
Back to the desert!
One more to go!
Thank you for everything!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Because I Can't Eat Real Food Very Well
On Friday I had the horrifying experience of having a soft tissue gum graft. I don't think I will ever understand why I couldn't have been put to sleep for such an ordeal. Because of this oral surgery I can't eat anything but soft foods for at least the next week. So, rather than eat actual food, I decided to craft some food instead by making up some ATCs for a Gingerbread ATC swap I signed up for earlier in the month. Not due until November 17, so it does feel good to have something done early. Christmas card count=0 .
Also, I had to make four quick thank you cards. Here's a picture of what they looked like. It has been nice to have a few spare minutes to create. I hope to get some more real soon.
Also, I had to make four quick thank you cards. Here's a picture of what they looked like. It has been nice to have a few spare minutes to create. I hope to get some more real soon.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What I'm Doing
I'm feeling the need to explain my lack of posts lately, and why the stamping drought continues.
Really, I'm sure you can all figure out what's going on...what's keeping me so busy. You all know me. You know what only comes around once a year. And we're right in the middle of it. And, it is oh so special, especially this year.
I really want to talk about it. Really, I do. But, I fear that if I do I will jinx it (like I do when I mention weight loss success) or that if I express my thoughts and opinions on it, this blog will end up on an opponent's fanbased message board. Don't need that.
So, I'll just leave it like that. Click on the picture to see this billboard I took a picture of while I was driving today (not recommended by the way...photographing and driving at the same time). This billboard very much sums up what's going on with me.
Really, I'm sure you can all figure out what's going on...what's keeping me so busy. You all know me. You know what only comes around once a year. And we're right in the middle of it. And, it is oh so special, especially this year.
I really want to talk about it. Really, I do. But, I fear that if I do I will jinx it (like I do when I mention weight loss success) or that if I express my thoughts and opinions on it, this blog will end up on an opponent's fanbased message board. Don't need that.
So, I'll just leave it like that. Click on the picture to see this billboard I took a picture of while I was driving today (not recommended by the way...photographing and driving at the same time). This billboard very much sums up what's going on with me.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Make Me Smile!!! (Did It Ever!!!)
Dreams do come true! Mine did on October 8, 2006.
Ever since the days of my Sony Walkman, Chicago has always been my favorite band. Their music touches my soul. Over the years I have been to several of their concerts, but none like the one I went to on Sunday in Rising Sun, IN.
Ever since 1987 (my first Chicago concert), I have been absolutely fixated with Jimmy Pankow, the trombone player. Drool. I've always wanted to be up front at a concert and to actually touch him. Up until this concert, I've always watched from the back rows, seeing all of the lucky fans who at the end of the show, he'd reach toward and shake their hands.
Since the show was general admission, M and I were able to find a spot for our blanket toward the side of the stage, way up front. I was in heaven!!! I had a fantastic angle of the horn section. Then, about 6 songs left in the concert, they allowed fans to get right in front of the stage (it had been blocked off up until that point). I totally went for it. I was in front!!!!
It was surreal. I kept thinking, should I be taking pictures or just living in the moment? I did both. You can see all 97 pictures on my Flickr stream. I made a special set. No disrespect to any of the band members, but most of my shots are of Jimmy.
I got one of the guitar picks that Keith Howland threw into the crowd. He's just pure talent.
And, I ran to Jimmy after the concert and he touched my left hand!!!! I figured this was probably the only chance in my life I would have. The stage was a just a bit too far for Jimmy to reach into the crowd like he typically would after a show, so I had to take advantage of the situation at hand. Because of the weird venue, the band actually had to exit by walking by the crowd. I ran after him like a loon, and figured out that my best strategy was to run to the end of the venue and then call out his name. Which I did. AND HE TOUCHED MY LEFT HAND, kinda a high five, handshake kind of motion.
And, I was able to get my picture taken with Tris Imboden. Such a nice guy! He seemed in no hurry to get away from the fans. I love the picture! I look so happy. It is a genuine smile on my part. "Make Me Smile"...they did!
"Baby What I Big Surprise".... This concert was held a day before my birthday. I never imagined it would end up being so special and memorable. I'll treasure the memories the rest of my life.
Ever since the days of my Sony Walkman, Chicago has always been my favorite band. Their music touches my soul. Over the years I have been to several of their concerts, but none like the one I went to on Sunday in Rising Sun, IN.
Ever since 1987 (my first Chicago concert), I have been absolutely fixated with Jimmy Pankow, the trombone player. Drool. I've always wanted to be up front at a concert and to actually touch him. Up until this concert, I've always watched from the back rows, seeing all of the lucky fans who at the end of the show, he'd reach toward and shake their hands.
Since the show was general admission, M and I were able to find a spot for our blanket toward the side of the stage, way up front. I was in heaven!!! I had a fantastic angle of the horn section. Then, about 6 songs left in the concert, they allowed fans to get right in front of the stage (it had been blocked off up until that point). I totally went for it. I was in front!!!!
It was surreal. I kept thinking, should I be taking pictures or just living in the moment? I did both. You can see all 97 pictures on my Flickr stream. I made a special set. No disrespect to any of the band members, but most of my shots are of Jimmy.
I got one of the guitar picks that Keith Howland threw into the crowd. He's just pure talent.
And, I ran to Jimmy after the concert and he touched my left hand!!!! I figured this was probably the only chance in my life I would have. The stage was a just a bit too far for Jimmy to reach into the crowd like he typically would after a show, so I had to take advantage of the situation at hand. Because of the weird venue, the band actually had to exit by walking by the crowd. I ran after him like a loon, and figured out that my best strategy was to run to the end of the venue and then call out his name. Which I did. AND HE TOUCHED MY LEFT HAND, kinda a high five, handshake kind of motion.
And, I was able to get my picture taken with Tris Imboden. Such a nice guy! He seemed in no hurry to get away from the fans. I love the picture! I look so happy. It is a genuine smile on my part. "Make Me Smile"...they did!
"Baby What I Big Surprise".... This concert was held a day before my birthday. I never imagined it would end up being so special and memorable. I'll treasure the memories the rest of my life.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
May Your Days Be Filled With Touchdowns
Feels good to finally have some creating time. This is a birthday card I made for my neighbor. The inside sentiment reads, "May Your Days Be Filled With Touchdowns!", which is appropriate since he is a Buckeye too.
Doing a lot of nervous eating, so I'll tell you that the sidebar is now just a distant memory. Grr.
Been very busy with football season. See my Flickr stream for my Texas trip. There are some scoreboard shots too.
Thanks for visiting!
Doing a lot of nervous eating, so I'll tell you that the sidebar is now just a distant memory. Grr.
Been very busy with football season. See my Flickr stream for my Texas trip. There are some scoreboard shots too.
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Ohio State Football ATC
Just a quick post to let you all know I am still around. Just really, really busy with being a football fan, and work is starting to get busy again. Oh well, the summer of nothing had to end.
This is an ATC I made for a Fall Sports swap on PCMB. We were to make ATCs that featured our favorite fall sport and/or team. I'm pretty happy with the sparkling gray paper on this one. Looks like a helmet.
This is an ATC I made for a Fall Sports swap on PCMB. We were to make ATCs that featured our favorite fall sport and/or team. I'm pretty happy with the sparkling gray paper on this one. Looks like a helmet.
Monday, September 11, 2006
5 Years Ago
Though I have many things to share right now, as I've been rather busy, I am chosing not to do a typical post today. The things I write about in this blog are pretty insignificant and trivial in the whole scheme of things, and I want to show absolutely no disrespect.
Today is September 11. Like everyone, I remember what I was doing when I heard the news five years ago. I could share that, though what I really remember was going to bed that night, though not really sleeping much if any, thinking that I had lived a good 31 years of not being afraid and was very thankful for them. I knew my life would never be the same after that day. What was incomprehensible a mere 24 hours prior was now a reality.
I truly dread September 11 every year now, because it brings up the memories to the forefront of my mind. Not that I forget on the other days of the year, but when it is September 11, I mourn the lives lost, and the innocence that we all lost.
And today, on September 11, 2006 like I have on September 11, 2002, September 11, 2003, September 11, 2004, and September 11, 2005, I thank God another attack hasn't happened.
Today is September 11. Like everyone, I remember what I was doing when I heard the news five years ago. I could share that, though what I really remember was going to bed that night, though not really sleeping much if any, thinking that I had lived a good 31 years of not being afraid and was very thankful for them. I knew my life would never be the same after that day. What was incomprehensible a mere 24 hours prior was now a reality.
I truly dread September 11 every year now, because it brings up the memories to the forefront of my mind. Not that I forget on the other days of the year, but when it is September 11, I mourn the lives lost, and the innocence that we all lost.
And today, on September 11, 2006 like I have on September 11, 2002, September 11, 2003, September 11, 2004, and September 11, 2005, I thank God another attack hasn't happened.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Go Nuts!
Here is a card that I made for my boss. She had surgery on one of her wrists today, so as I was looking at all of my stamps, I saw this little Bugawumps guy standing on his hands. I thought, "there's no way she could do this right now." And thus, a card was born. Front sentiment says "Go Nuts". Inside sentiment says, "You'll be back on your wrists in no time". She's a Buckeye fan too, so the card is very appropriate. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I love it when I can combine stamping and football!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bookmark Swap
These didn't take to long to make, thankfully, as I really have a ton of things to do. I decided to use just the one image by Stampotique, stick with the same color scheme, but play with different media. Kinda fun, not to have to worry about colors and layouts for a change. I do believe I am best with color pencils.
Ready for the mail!
Ready for the mail!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Reason Why I Work Where I Do
Thought I'd make a banner for this blog depicting the reason why I work at OSU. Season tickets! Aren't they beautiful?
Go Buckeyes!
Go Buckeyes!
Monday, August 28, 2006
A Little Background
Here is one of 11 ATCs I put in the mail today for a Hodge Podge swap over at PCMB. I was to do the salted background technique. If you want details on how I made it, just click on the picture, which will take you to my Flickr account.
I think I must be losing my mind, or else, I have a lot on my mind right now. When I went to mail these, I weighed the envelope and the scale indicated that it would cost 87 cents to mail. So, I slapped on two 39 cent stamps and dropped the envelope in the mail.
I am losing it!
Speaking of losing, I will not jinx myself by saying this, but have you checked out the sidebar? Doing great with eating right now, and even showed a two pound loss over the weekend.
Didn't get to go to Curves tonight though. Does a tornado warning count as a good excuse? Yeah, I thought so too. Probably my best one yet. Now I must figure out how to go Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of this week. And well, I've got something way bigger to do this Saturday than go to Curves. :)
Stay posted for a new blog banner I plan to create within the next couple of days, along with some pictures of some bookmarks I need to get busy on.
Until then, take care and thanks so much for visiting.
I think I must be losing my mind, or else, I have a lot on my mind right now. When I went to mail these, I weighed the envelope and the scale indicated that it would cost 87 cents to mail. So, I slapped on two 39 cent stamps and dropped the envelope in the mail.
I am losing it!
Speaking of losing, I will not jinx myself by saying this, but have you checked out the sidebar? Doing great with eating right now, and even showed a two pound loss over the weekend.
Didn't get to go to Curves tonight though. Does a tornado warning count as a good excuse? Yeah, I thought so too. Probably my best one yet. Now I must figure out how to go Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of this week. And well, I've got something way bigger to do this Saturday than go to Curves. :)
Stay posted for a new blog banner I plan to create within the next couple of days, along with some pictures of some bookmarks I need to get busy on.
Until then, take care and thanks so much for visiting.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Open Practice Under the Lights
Last night we attended the open practice in the 'Shoe. It was the perfect night for hanging out on campus. M and I had dinner at Adriatico's and then walked over to the stadium. Football is in the air, I tell you. It is here!
I uploaded a gob of pictures over on Flickr, and even took the time to put them into a set. You'll see some pictures of Mirror Lake, the Stadium, MY 2006 seat, me, and the #1 ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. Hope you'll take a peak.
(Stampers, bear with me. There are just 11 mere days until Kickoff and there's hype everywhere about my Buckeyes. I'm bouncing off the walls with anticipation and excitement.)
I uploaded a gob of pictures over on Flickr, and even took the time to put them into a set. You'll see some pictures of Mirror Lake, the Stadium, MY 2006 seat, me, and the #1 ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. Hope you'll take a peak.
(Stampers, bear with me. There are just 11 mere days until Kickoff and there's hype everywhere about my Buckeyes. I'm bouncing off the walls with anticipation and excitement.)
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Wild,Wild, West Swap
I am getting ready to send the 10 cards I made for a "Wild, Wild, West" swap over at PCMB. I have been sort of a collector of southwest images because I always envision making southwestern-like cards for Christmas if the Buckeyes ever find themselves playing in the desert (which will hopefully be the case this year!).
Anyway, I learned a lot with this swap. I focused on colors, meaning what colors look nice with other colors. Once again, I found layouts challenging since I always have a main image on which to focus. I learned that having a main, big focal image is just fine, but I can use background stamps on some of the frames to add more interest and depth.
I invite you to check out all 10 cards over on my Flickr stream .
Anyway, I learned a lot with this swap. I focused on colors, meaning what colors look nice with other colors. Once again, I found layouts challenging since I always have a main image on which to focus. I learned that having a main, big focal image is just fine, but I can use background stamps on some of the frames to add more interest and depth.
I invite you to check out all 10 cards over on my Flickr stream .
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Goodie! Goodie! It's Stampaway!
Saturday was like a holiday for many rubber stampers in the area. It was the annual Stampaway convention in Cincinnati.
I loved every single minute of it. I arrived at around 9:30 am and left when they were closing at 5:00. I didn't even break for lunch, and took very quick restroom breaks (LOL!).
This is my third time attending Stampaway and I was surprised at how my purchases seem to shift from my previous two Stampaways, from buying lots of stamps in the past to this year buying more supplies than I anticipated.
All, in all, it was a great time. Some of the masters (in my book anyway) were there like Joyce Hazen from A Stamp in the Hand, Kathie Seaverns from Just for Fun, Pat Niemuth from Northwoods, and Laura Jacobs from Bugawumps. I could just watch them create for hours, and it turns out that is exactly what I did.
Joyce made a beautiful sample card for me. I will try to post a picture of it in the next couple of days. Pat Niemuth and the whole crew from Northwoods are just the friendliest, most generous company around. I walked away from my day with three FREE rubberstamps from them. Kathie Seaverns is just so approachable with questions, and well, Laura Jacobs is just my coloring hero. I want to learn from her and hope to someday be fortunate to take a class from her. I just love how she is a master of bright, fun colors, and her little bug creatures are just adorable.
My bank account is happy Stampaway only comes once a year, but I left so happy and fullfilled as a learner. That's what I love most about it. Next year's date is already on my calendar!
Be sure to click on the photo to see lots of notes on all my loot!
I loved every single minute of it. I arrived at around 9:30 am and left when they were closing at 5:00. I didn't even break for lunch, and took very quick restroom breaks (LOL!).
This is my third time attending Stampaway and I was surprised at how my purchases seem to shift from my previous two Stampaways, from buying lots of stamps in the past to this year buying more supplies than I anticipated.
All, in all, it was a great time. Some of the masters (in my book anyway) were there like Joyce Hazen from A Stamp in the Hand, Kathie Seaverns from Just for Fun, Pat Niemuth from Northwoods, and Laura Jacobs from Bugawumps. I could just watch them create for hours, and it turns out that is exactly what I did.
Joyce made a beautiful sample card for me. I will try to post a picture of it in the next couple of days. Pat Niemuth and the whole crew from Northwoods are just the friendliest, most generous company around. I walked away from my day with three FREE rubberstamps from them. Kathie Seaverns is just so approachable with questions, and well, Laura Jacobs is just my coloring hero. I want to learn from her and hope to someday be fortunate to take a class from her. I just love how she is a master of bright, fun colors, and her little bug creatures are just adorable.
My bank account is happy Stampaway only comes once a year, but I left so happy and fullfilled as a learner. That's what I love most about it. Next year's date is already on my calendar!
Be sure to click on the photo to see lots of notes on all my loot!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Finally! A Getaway!
I was able to go on vacation this past weekend!
I think M began to realize that I really needed to get away before the craziness of work and football season starts up again.
We decided to go to Niagara-On-The-Lake because two years ago I fell in love with Whirlpool Jet Boats.
So we rode the boat twice, went swimming one night at the hotel, drove up to Toronto one day,took a tour at a winery (who knew Icewine was so yummy?) and walked around the Falls one day. All in all, a quick trip, but very much what I needed. And hey, you can't really say you've had a summer until you get wet...
...and I got wet! I am the first person in the second row of this picture. M is to my right.
I think M began to realize that I really needed to get away before the craziness of work and football season starts up again.
We decided to go to Niagara-On-The-Lake because two years ago I fell in love with Whirlpool Jet Boats.
So we rode the boat twice, went swimming one night at the hotel, drove up to Toronto one day,took a tour at a winery (who knew Icewine was so yummy?) and walked around the Falls one day. All in all, a quick trip, but very much what I needed. And hey, you can't really say you've had a summer until you get wet...
...and I got wet! I am the first person in the second row of this picture. M is to my right.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Am I Crazy?
What was I thinking??? Since August of 2005 I have had in my mind that my 2006 Christmas cards would be of this image, with the ornaments being watercolored with Tombow Markers, and a few of the ornaments being raised with a popdot to show dimension. Aaaaah! Oh what fun this will be.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Me and My Big Bubbles
Finished my 7 ATCs for the "Me and My Big Ideas" swap on PCMB. They were so fun, because the only stamp I used was the stamp of the kid in the tub. Tile and towel were drawn by me. Did lots of experimenting with the colorwheel, which pretty much is a confusing palette to me. Anyway, I felt like an interior designer on HGTV. LOL.
The highlights of these ATCs are definitely the bubbles...made by heating with a heat gun some drops of Tulip White Puffy Fabric Paint. Perfect touch, if I say so myself.
Visit my Flickr stream to see all seven ATCs.
The highlights of these ATCs are definitely the bubbles...made by heating with a heat gun some drops of Tulip White Puffy Fabric Paint. Perfect touch, if I say so myself.
Visit my Flickr stream to see all seven ATCs.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Stamping and Football Together
It is a great thing when my two passions (Football and Stamping) meet.
When I originally signed up the the California ATC swap on PCMB, I thought I would do some sea otter ATCs. But then I looked at the hoard of rose stamps I have and decided that I could certainly make some Rose Bowl ATCs since the game is held in Pasadena, CA.
As I made them, I couldn't help but think back to the memory I have of the Rose Bowl. 1997. Joe Germaine to David Boston for the winning touchdown. It was just awesome. That was the first bowl game I ever attended, and it was special to see the Buckeye's curse of not being able to win the big game lifted.
If I am ever at the Rose Bowl again (which I better be!), I definitely want to participate in the last minute float preparations. The Rose Parade was just goregous! I wasn't too keen on going initially because we had to get up at 3:00 am to get on the bus to go, but wow, was it worth the $50. I no longer watch the parade on TV, because it just doesn't do it justice. You know, you can actually smell the floats as they go by. Such an awesome experience.
When I originally signed up the the California ATC swap on PCMB, I thought I would do some sea otter ATCs. But then I looked at the hoard of rose stamps I have and decided that I could certainly make some Rose Bowl ATCs since the game is held in Pasadena, CA.
As I made them, I couldn't help but think back to the memory I have of the Rose Bowl. 1997. Joe Germaine to David Boston for the winning touchdown. It was just awesome. That was the first bowl game I ever attended, and it was special to see the Buckeye's curse of not being able to win the big game lifted.
If I am ever at the Rose Bowl again (which I better be!), I definitely want to participate in the last minute float preparations. The Rose Parade was just goregous! I wasn't too keen on going initially because we had to get up at 3:00 am to get on the bus to go, but wow, was it worth the $50. I no longer watch the parade on TV, because it just doesn't do it justice. You know, you can actually smell the floats as they go by. Such an awesome experience.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Teddy Bear ATC
Just a quick post to say I am finished with the 8 ATCs I made for the Teddy Bear ATC swap on PCMB. I am liking those pastel pencils I bought. I better be....since I spent major money on them almost a year ago. I'm just now starting to use them with a Dove Blender. The Dove Blender just makes the coloring almost effortless.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Alaska ATC Swap~"Northern Lights"
I'm am becoming addicted to swaps (and I haven't even received anything back yet). There's something about having a theme that gets me going. Pictured you will see the Alaska ATCs I will be sending out. Lots of playing with this one, using the concept of resist. I *had* these done about two weeks ago, but was baffled when the blue started to fade (I was using a blue from Whispers Ink). I redid them all, using Big & Juicy Pads. Guess I learned not to trust the cheapie Whispers Ink.
Anyway, on the horizon, I've got the following swaps to create for: Teddy Bear ATC, California ATC, Wild Wild West Cards, Me & My Big Ideas ATC, Salt Technique ATC, and Bookmarks. Better get busy!
Anyway, on the horizon, I've got the following swaps to create for: Teddy Bear ATC, California ATC, Wild Wild West Cards, Me & My Big Ideas ATC, Salt Technique ATC, and Bookmarks. Better get busy!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Framed Bunnies
Here are the six cards I made for a swap on PCMB, "Hopping Down The Bunny Trail". The stamp is magenta. Some bunnies were colored with pastel pencils (first time I've ever used them), some by watercoloring with Tombow markers, and one with Prismacolor Pencils. What I learned from participating in this swap is how much *I* like central images that are framed. May not be the most complicated layouts, but I came to the realization that I pretty much buy stamps for the image itself, and there's nothing wrong with showcasing that image on the cards I make. You can check out close ups of my card over on my Flickr account.
June In Review, Though Late
It just dawned on me that I didn't do this for June. Better late than never, they say.
Best Day~June 30th. Yes, it took until the end of the month to actually have a good day. June 30th was the day M and I went to see Chicago in concert. It really can't be considered summer if I don't get at least on Chicago concert under my belt. It was hard actually getting to the concert. Left my house at 4:10 and didn't get to dinner (which was a mile from the concert) until 6:10. Now mind you, I live about 45 minutes away from the venue, but with the beginning of the holiday weekend and the idiotic planning that put George W. Bush in town for a fundraiser, we thought we'd never get there. But, once we finally did get there, I sat back and enjoyed Jimmy's wiggling hips. Drool.
Biggest Accomplishment~I'd say just basic survival at work. I posted a few weeks ago that I doubt I'll be working there in the future. That thought remains present, though I don't really know what else I would do. I *need* to work there this year to get football tickets and time off for traveling to the away games. And next year, I really really want to go to the Washington game, so that's going to need some time off too. Hmmm. I'll figure something out. Also, important to note that I made it back to Curves during this month.
Biggest Surprise~S calling.
Areas of Learning~I really liked hearing Katie Wood Ray talk about organization in writing. Lots to think about there. And, I've learned how much I like the look of layering and framing when I make cards.
Books Read~Slowly making my way through "The Creative License" by Danny Gregory.
Looking Ahead To July~Well, since it is already halfway over at the time of this post, let's just say I'm looking forward to some weight loss during the second half of the month.
Best Day~June 30th. Yes, it took until the end of the month to actually have a good day. June 30th was the day M and I went to see Chicago in concert. It really can't be considered summer if I don't get at least on Chicago concert under my belt. It was hard actually getting to the concert. Left my house at 4:10 and didn't get to dinner (which was a mile from the concert) until 6:10. Now mind you, I live about 45 minutes away from the venue, but with the beginning of the holiday weekend and the idiotic planning that put George W. Bush in town for a fundraiser, we thought we'd never get there. But, once we finally did get there, I sat back and enjoyed Jimmy's wiggling hips. Drool.
Biggest Accomplishment~I'd say just basic survival at work. I posted a few weeks ago that I doubt I'll be working there in the future. That thought remains present, though I don't really know what else I would do. I *need* to work there this year to get football tickets and time off for traveling to the away games. And next year, I really really want to go to the Washington game, so that's going to need some time off too. Hmmm. I'll figure something out. Also, important to note that I made it back to Curves during this month.
Biggest Surprise~S calling.
Areas of Learning~I really liked hearing Katie Wood Ray talk about organization in writing. Lots to think about there. And, I've learned how much I like the look of layering and framing when I make cards.
Books Read~Slowly making my way through "The Creative License" by Danny Gregory.
Looking Ahead To July~Well, since it is already halfway over at the time of this post, let's just say I'm looking forward to some weight loss during the second half of the month.
Midnight Moonlight ATC
I made 6 of these for the "Midnight" swap over on PCMB. The mouse is by Great Impressions, the stars are by Rubber Stampede, window is just acetate and the moon is from a punch. The mouse is colored with PrismaColors. I streaked Brillance ink, direct-to-paper for the moonlight. I'm debating writing "Midnight Moonlight" in the upper corner using a white sharpie. I'm testing it on a scrap of the blue paper to see if it will hold. White Stayzon, Colorbox and Brillance gave me some pretty pathetic results. I don't know, should I write "Midnight Moonlight" in the corner? Would love your thoughts in the comments section. Anyone? Anyone?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Last Week's Weigh In Wasn't Pretty. Can You Tell?
In the field of writing (which I'm not in), they talk about showing, not telling. I'm going to attempt that right now.
This morning's weigh in...176.5. Weigh in two weeks ago...176. And I was really, really good this past week with eating and went to Curves three times.
There. How did I do? Did I "show" you how things went with my diet and exercise program from two weeks ago to the mysterious nonreported weigh in from a week ago?
This morning's weigh in...176.5. Weigh in two weeks ago...176. And I was really, really good this past week with eating and went to Curves three times.
There. How did I do? Did I "show" you how things went with my diet and exercise program from two weeks ago to the mysterious nonreported weigh in from a week ago?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
On My Mind
Trust me, this blog has been on my mind, but so have a lot of other things. Everytime I'd get close to writing something, I'd convince myself not to because I wasn't really in the sharing mood. So, I've learned that I censor what I put on here, even though I don't think anyone I know in my everyday life reads this. I guess for the past couple weeks I've been not writing because I've been censoring the blog from myself. When I reread this blog, it represents things things that I really don't mind the rest of the world knowing...a pound lost, a card made, etc. But, I haven't wanted to post about pounds gained, possible depression setting in, etc.
Allow me to catch you up, blog.
When I came back from Cincinnati on that Friday, I immediately crashed for a nap, which isn't really that unusual. I was exhausted from my week away from home. At around 9:00 pm, I was awakened by the phone. I answered only to learn it was S. Now, I know this blog doesn't know about S, but S was my summer boyfriend in 8th and 9th grade (he went to a different school), in the sense that one can even have a boyfriend at that age. What is mighty odd, is that periodically, maybe every six years, we have a phone conversation with each other. I haven't seen him since 1986, and he now lives in Florida. Well, in December 2004 he made one of those calls out of the blue and we talked for hours. (We always have great conversations, as he's very intellectual and interesting). When M and I had a major, major, "don't know if we'll ever by together again" disagreement during the spring of 2005, I initiated a call to S during June of 2005. S and I had a great conversation once again, and then "boom". I fell hard and starting imagining what a story it would be if S and I were to get back together again. Well, long story short I think my enthusiasm and unrealistic expectations scared S a bit, and we sort of parted our ways. Now, mind you, we still haven't seen one another since 1986. But, be that as it may, I was SO DEPRESSED last summer. I was so alone and would just cry myself to sleep (and sleep all the time) last summer. I was aching and just replayed my life over and over again, and wondered how can a mid-30's girl be so successful in a career but nothing else. What I really want is a family. I got back with M, because of loneliness.
For the past year, M and I have gotten along basically because I don't want to go back to that loneliness again. Life with M, is better than life without M, though I doubt we will ever marry and be a real family.
So, when S called me out of the blue a couple weeks ago, to apologize for last summer, I went right back to the place I was last summer. I started to assess my life and how pathetic it really is. I work. I work out at Curves. I stamp. I belong to a booster group at OSU that is filled with old people, and I live alone. Yeehaw! Since this is my slow season at work, I just have all day and all night to think about this stuff. I spend hours googling people in my past, from past boyfriends to high school classmates. Just to see what I can find, and compare their accomplishments, or lack thereof, to mine.
So, there you have it. I'm pathetic really. During the past two weeks, I've waited with eagar for S to contact me again, like he said he would (though never did) and became more depressed and felt myself going back into the self-pity depression. Even had a blow up with M last Sunday(though we survived it) as I was nagging him about our "situation". "Situation" being dating for 11 years, him being 42ish and still living at home with his mamma who doesn't pay him a dime for the work he does at their company, thus leaving M, a 42 year old without a freaking income. Oh, how I hate the situation, but enjoy M's companionship, because as I learned last summer, I can't function without it. I am so stuck.
Basically, over the past year, after the rejection from S, I pulled myself out of the pit, and then began to accept the M situation, and started to accept living alone, never having children, etc.
So, S's call was very untimely, just on the very day that I find myself with a month and a half of not being busy at work. I'm glad I caught myself early and after a few sleepful days and sleepless nights, I'm feeling better about me. I guess what is meant to happen with my life will. Sometimes, I guess we don't get to live our dreams...mine being happily married with children.
Whew! Sorry about all of that. But I felt I needed to get it all out. Now, I can blog again.
Allow me to catch you up, blog.
When I came back from Cincinnati on that Friday, I immediately crashed for a nap, which isn't really that unusual. I was exhausted from my week away from home. At around 9:00 pm, I was awakened by the phone. I answered only to learn it was S. Now, I know this blog doesn't know about S, but S was my summer boyfriend in 8th and 9th grade (he went to a different school), in the sense that one can even have a boyfriend at that age. What is mighty odd, is that periodically, maybe every six years, we have a phone conversation with each other. I haven't seen him since 1986, and he now lives in Florida. Well, in December 2004 he made one of those calls out of the blue and we talked for hours. (We always have great conversations, as he's very intellectual and interesting). When M and I had a major, major, "don't know if we'll ever by together again" disagreement during the spring of 2005, I initiated a call to S during June of 2005. S and I had a great conversation once again, and then "boom". I fell hard and starting imagining what a story it would be if S and I were to get back together again. Well, long story short I think my enthusiasm and unrealistic expectations scared S a bit, and we sort of parted our ways. Now, mind you, we still haven't seen one another since 1986. But, be that as it may, I was SO DEPRESSED last summer. I was so alone and would just cry myself to sleep (and sleep all the time) last summer. I was aching and just replayed my life over and over again, and wondered how can a mid-30's girl be so successful in a career but nothing else. What I really want is a family. I got back with M, because of loneliness.
For the past year, M and I have gotten along basically because I don't want to go back to that loneliness again. Life with M, is better than life without M, though I doubt we will ever marry and be a real family.
So, when S called me out of the blue a couple weeks ago, to apologize for last summer, I went right back to the place I was last summer. I started to assess my life and how pathetic it really is. I work. I work out at Curves. I stamp. I belong to a booster group at OSU that is filled with old people, and I live alone. Yeehaw! Since this is my slow season at work, I just have all day and all night to think about this stuff. I spend hours googling people in my past, from past boyfriends to high school classmates. Just to see what I can find, and compare their accomplishments, or lack thereof, to mine.
So, there you have it. I'm pathetic really. During the past two weeks, I've waited with eagar for S to contact me again, like he said he would (though never did) and became more depressed and felt myself going back into the self-pity depression. Even had a blow up with M last Sunday(though we survived it) as I was nagging him about our "situation". "Situation" being dating for 11 years, him being 42ish and still living at home with his mamma who doesn't pay him a dime for the work he does at their company, thus leaving M, a 42 year old without a freaking income. Oh, how I hate the situation, but enjoy M's companionship, because as I learned last summer, I can't function without it. I am so stuck.
Basically, over the past year, after the rejection from S, I pulled myself out of the pit, and then began to accept the M situation, and started to accept living alone, never having children, etc.
So, S's call was very untimely, just on the very day that I find myself with a month and a half of not being busy at work. I'm glad I caught myself early and after a few sleepful days and sleepless nights, I'm feeling better about me. I guess what is meant to happen with my life will. Sometimes, I guess we don't get to live our dreams...mine being happily married with children.
Whew! Sorry about all of that. But I felt I needed to get it all out. Now, I can blog again.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday Weigh In
As promised....176 (gulp). I guess that's better than what was showing on Friday. I'll even adjust my sidebar. Grrr. I just love my metabolism.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Bears Out For A Walk (I Need To Be Too)
So, what do you get when you eat at LaRosa's four days in a row while spending four days in Cincinnati at a writing conference?
A five pound gain! (Thankfully, the scale is down a bit since that shock on Friday when I came home).
Yes, that's right. I ate pizza each of my four days in Cincinnati last week, and I am declaring that that every Monday will be public weigh in day here at "4th and Goal". It absolutely needs to be. Feel free to join me, any of you "wishful shrinkers".
I am mighty pleased with my stamping this weekend. This is a card I made last night. I was kinda going for a little Northern Lights effect, inspired by yet another talented lady over at Splitcoast Stampers, Rox71. She does some amazing scenic stamping.
Anyway, I feel I need to get the shoes on, charge the IPod and get walking before the evening falls, just like these bears. I loaded some more of my cards over on Flickr. Go check them out.
A five pound gain! (Thankfully, the scale is down a bit since that shock on Friday when I came home).
Yes, that's right. I ate pizza each of my four days in Cincinnati last week, and I am declaring that that every Monday will be public weigh in day here at "4th and Goal". It absolutely needs to be. Feel free to join me, any of you "wishful shrinkers".
I am mighty pleased with my stamping this weekend. This is a card I made last night. I was kinda going for a little Northern Lights effect, inspired by yet another talented lady over at Splitcoast Stampers, Rox71. She does some amazing scenic stamping.
Anyway, I feel I need to get the shoes on, charge the IPod and get walking before the evening falls, just like these bears. I loaded some more of my cards over on Flickr. Go check them out.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Furs Class Father
My dad is the greatest, so he is most deserving of this "Furs Class" card I made for him (along with the new set of luggage I bought him).
I actually saw a very cute stamp at Michael's last week that was a small postage stamp with a rabbit and the sentiment said "Furs Class", so I'm confessing here...I'm not original, but I thought to myself, "I can make something like that", and I must admit, I like my version better.
I'm playing around with my rabbit stamps right now for my very first swap that I signed up for. Who knows, this might end up being *the* card I submit. We'll see. I also signed up for an Alaska ATC swap too. I'm kinda psyched about participating in them.
I found a stamping artist over on Splitcoast Stampers. She's just amazingly talented, and she has my style. Here's the link to her blog . You know how I fret over not being able to do layouts? Well studying her cards is telling me that I can be simple and let the image be the focal point of the card. Afterall, I buy stamps because I like the image in the first place. I also admire how she incorporates her own doodling on her cards. And the framing of images...yes! Cute is okay (I'm still a kid at heart). Seems like cute is not "in" in the stamping world and that it is all about collage and vintage stuff. Just not me.
Here's wishing you all a great week.
I actually saw a very cute stamp at Michael's last week that was a small postage stamp with a rabbit and the sentiment said "Furs Class", so I'm confessing here...I'm not original, but I thought to myself, "I can make something like that", and I must admit, I like my version better.
I'm playing around with my rabbit stamps right now for my very first swap that I signed up for. Who knows, this might end up being *the* card I submit. We'll see. I also signed up for an Alaska ATC swap too. I'm kinda psyched about participating in them.
I found a stamping artist over on Splitcoast Stampers. She's just amazingly talented, and she has my style. Here's the link to her blog . You know how I fret over not being able to do layouts? Well studying her cards is telling me that I can be simple and let the image be the focal point of the card. Afterall, I buy stamps because I like the image in the first place. I also admire how she incorporates her own doodling on her cards. And the framing of images...yes! Cute is okay (I'm still a kid at heart). Seems like cute is not "in" in the stamping world and that it is all about collage and vintage stuff. Just not me.
Here's wishing you all a great week.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Prediction: June 2007
...I will have a job different than the one I am doing now. I am seriously considering launching "Operation Secret Job Search". I can't continue with what I am doing. It is draining and no longer rewarding. I need rewarding.
Sketch of a Workshop Attendee
The two day workshop is finished. It went very well. Basically, my role was to sit in the back of the room and just watch. I decided to pass the time on a sketch. This is the back of a teacher that was in attendance. (She has two feet, though her legs were crossed at the time of the sketch). I'm actually quite pleased and surprised by how how it turned out. I'm still fearing the sketching of a person's face. Hope to sketch M's face tomorrow.
I took another nap tonight, thus chosing sleep over Curves. I'm disappointed in myself in this regard. I guess I'm having difficulty "incorporating". Eating is still going great though. The great thing about tomorrow is that I'll be done with work in the early afternoon, which will allow for a nap if needed, but I'll still have time in the day for Curves.
I took another nap tonight, thus chosing sleep over Curves. I'm disappointed in myself in this regard. I guess I'm having difficulty "incorporating". Eating is still going great though. The great thing about tomorrow is that I'll be done with work in the early afternoon, which will allow for a nap if needed, but I'll still have time in the day for Curves.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Vacation Longing
I am very fortunate to say I have been to Alaska. I've actually been there three times since 2000. There is a little island we visit, which is where the small town of Sitka is located. I frequently visit their webcam just to take in its beauty. And, well it is beautiful there tonight. 60 degrees, sunny and clear. This is quite rare in Sitka, as it generally rains there daily. It is part of the Tongass Rainforest.
I'm guessing I'll be visiting the webcam often during the next couple of months and taking a look at some of our past photos from past trips. M and I are not going there this year because we typically have to save up for such a trip and we were just there in August 2005. So, this is definitely an "off-year". Also, I've got a very expensive fall right around the corner with football. So, my bank account is saying, "no, not this year."
I really do need some type of vacation though. It has been a very draining year at work, and I need some time away for my mental well-being. M and I are talking about doing something, but keeping it simple. We already know this year's vacation will consist of just a couple of days, and it we'll go somewhere that is within driving distance. We've even tossed around the idea of just checking in at a newly build hotel about an hour away from our home and just swimming in their pool.
But, we will go somewhere. My mental sanity insists that I do this each summer. We just don't have it nailed down yet.
In other thoughts...
Today went well at work with the conference. So far, so good. I'm relieved by this, so much so that when I made it home tonight I took a much needed nap that was filled with some good quality zzzz's. I confess I missed going to Curves, but man I needed some good sleep, so in essense, I was doing my body some good. I PROMISE TO MAKE IT TO CURVES TOMORROW, and adopt the T, R, S schedule for this week.
Also, my eating was great today. Certainly helps having a plan. I deviated a bit, but I was within my point range. Camera, here I come. I will have you by September 1!
I'm guessing I'll be visiting the webcam often during the next couple of months and taking a look at some of our past photos from past trips. M and I are not going there this year because we typically have to save up for such a trip and we were just there in August 2005. So, this is definitely an "off-year". Also, I've got a very expensive fall right around the corner with football. So, my bank account is saying, "no, not this year."
I really do need some type of vacation though. It has been a very draining year at work, and I need some time away for my mental well-being. M and I are talking about doing something, but keeping it simple. We already know this year's vacation will consist of just a couple of days, and it we'll go somewhere that is within driving distance. We've even tossed around the idea of just checking in at a newly build hotel about an hour away from our home and just swimming in their pool.
But, we will go somewhere. My mental sanity insists that I do this each summer. We just don't have it nailed down yet.
In other thoughts...
Today went well at work with the conference. So far, so good. I'm relieved by this, so much so that when I made it home tonight I took a much needed nap that was filled with some good quality zzzz's. I confess I missed going to Curves, but man I needed some good sleep, so in essense, I was doing my body some good. I PROMISE TO MAKE IT TO CURVES TOMORROW, and adopt the T, R, S schedule for this week.
Also, my eating was great today. Certainly helps having a plan. I deviated a bit, but I was within my point range. Camera, here I come. I will have you by September 1!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Eye on the Prize
In just three more days, I will finally be able to take a long, much needed breather from work. Love the "off-season" at work, and I don't think I've ever been so ready for it like I am this year. On Monday and Tuesday we have a conference to put on, and I'm not so sure how ready for it we all are, but I am just keeping my eye on the prize...Wednesday afternoon. Everything will be done! Say goodbye to the group that isn't too fond of me.
Speaking of keeping my eye on the prize, I really do want my new digital camera. However, there is absolutely no way I'm going to meet my goal by 7/14 like suggested in my sidebar. The scale is not budging and I know I have to somehow add some cardio to my routine. I am back at Curves, but through this "time-off" from exercise, I've learned how to maintain. I guess that's a good thing. But, I really, really do need a new camera. I'm going to reset the goal date of 163 lbs by 9/1, which is the day before kickoff. I really do want to have my new camera when I go to the Texas game. That's a must.
So, in the spirit of having a very concentrated effort/run, allow me to share tomorrow's plan...
Protein Shake-2
SB Protein Bar-4
SF Pudding-1
Subway Roasted Chicken Sandwich-7
BBQ Baked Lays-4
Yogurt w/flaxseed-3
HulaHooping-10 minutes
20 minute walk around neighborhood, or at lunch tomorrow
Speaking of keeping my eye on the prize, I really do want my new digital camera. However, there is absolutely no way I'm going to meet my goal by 7/14 like suggested in my sidebar. The scale is not budging and I know I have to somehow add some cardio to my routine. I am back at Curves, but through this "time-off" from exercise, I've learned how to maintain. I guess that's a good thing. But, I really, really do need a new camera. I'm going to reset the goal date of 163 lbs by 9/1, which is the day before kickoff. I really do want to have my new camera when I go to the Texas game. That's a must.
So, in the spirit of having a very concentrated effort/run, allow me to share tomorrow's plan...
Protein Shake-2
SB Protein Bar-4
SF Pudding-1
Subway Roasted Chicken Sandwich-7
BBQ Baked Lays-4
Yogurt w/flaxseed-3
HulaHooping-10 minutes
20 minute walk around neighborhood, or at lunch tomorrow
Monday, June 05, 2006
I've got some things I need to incorporate into my daily life. Here goes:
My IPod ~ Yes, my IPod. I worked very hard losing weight to meet the goal of getting one, but yet, I haven't really incorporated it into my life. I'm a fool, really. But right now, I simply listen to the radio, or on the computer, and definitely in the car. But, I can't really figure out when I should be listening to the IPod. Maybe when I stamp? Maybe I should be taking walks and listening to it then? (though I'm not quite ready to pound the pavement or treadmill). When I travel (ie, airports, subways, etc). I don't know. It just hasn't become a part of my life as I thought it would. Of course, it took me years to get used to having a cell phone, and I'd say I hadn't really put it to good use until about six months ago.
Curves ~ I went back to Curves tonight. Whoa! Things have changed. New owner, new managers, new dressing room, new water machine. Maybe I should go away for three months again. Honestly, I think all of these changes are for the better, because I have been known to bitch in the past about how crappy my local Curves was. I'm excited to know that they want to revamp things a bit, update the look, have contests with prizes (wow!), etc. I shouldn't have any problem getting back into the swing of working out at Curves three nights a week, but I will admit I will miss the extra 45 minutes of the day I experienced not being able to work out.
Water ~ I'm not getting enough water. I drink way too much Diet Coke/Coke Zero. I'm excited that a Giant Eagle *finally* opened in our suburb so there is a good chance I can start stopping by the store and getting me some of their yummy flavored water. Hey, it's a start.
Cleaning ~ I put that in for my Mom, not that she even gets on a website, let alone this one. But seriously, I have a hard time maintaining a clean, organized house. I'd much rather veg and surf the internet. Or stamp. Or something, anything!
Reading ~ I'm such a hypocrite. I'm averaging one book a month, if that. And I've got some good books lined up on the "To Read Stand".
Okay, this list is making my head spin. Better get off the computer and start incorporating!
My IPod ~ Yes, my IPod. I worked very hard losing weight to meet the goal of getting one, but yet, I haven't really incorporated it into my life. I'm a fool, really. But right now, I simply listen to the radio, or on the computer, and definitely in the car. But, I can't really figure out when I should be listening to the IPod. Maybe when I stamp? Maybe I should be taking walks and listening to it then? (though I'm not quite ready to pound the pavement or treadmill). When I travel (ie, airports, subways, etc). I don't know. It just hasn't become a part of my life as I thought it would. Of course, it took me years to get used to having a cell phone, and I'd say I hadn't really put it to good use until about six months ago.
Curves ~ I went back to Curves tonight. Whoa! Things have changed. New owner, new managers, new dressing room, new water machine. Maybe I should go away for three months again. Honestly, I think all of these changes are for the better, because I have been known to bitch in the past about how crappy my local Curves was. I'm excited to know that they want to revamp things a bit, update the look, have contests with prizes (wow!), etc. I shouldn't have any problem getting back into the swing of working out at Curves three nights a week, but I will admit I will miss the extra 45 minutes of the day I experienced not being able to work out.
Water ~ I'm not getting enough water. I drink way too much Diet Coke/Coke Zero. I'm excited that a Giant Eagle *finally* opened in our suburb so there is a good chance I can start stopping by the store and getting me some of their yummy flavored water. Hey, it's a start.
Cleaning ~ I put that in for my Mom, not that she even gets on a website, let alone this one. But seriously, I have a hard time maintaining a clean, organized house. I'd much rather veg and surf the internet. Or stamp. Or something, anything!
Reading ~ I'm such a hypocrite. I'm averaging one book a month, if that. And I've got some good books lined up on the "To Read Stand".
Okay, this list is making my head spin. Better get off the computer and start incorporating!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
A Relaxing Sunday
It was nice to get to do a little cardmaking today. I made two cards using the June Sketch #1 on 2Peas. (Visit my Flickr stream for the other card). I love having a clean, organized studio. Makes all the difference.
Boston Scribbles
I had to go to Boston this past week on business. I really like to visit that town because there is so much to see and do and I just find the area so interesting. Five years ago, I had to spend a total of seven weeks there (spread out over the year), and I feel like I really know the city. I can maneuver myself on the T (the subway) and get to anywhere I want to go.
Anyway, the business part was okay. The highlight was definitely hearing Carl Anderson talk to our group. I read his book in preparation, and I think teachers will find it useful.
For fun, a group of us went and ate at the original Cheers on Beacon Hill, and Fire and Ice at Harvard Square. Love, love, love Fire and Ice, which is a mongolian barbeque. The one night after we had eaten at Cheers, we walked across the street to the Boston Public Gardens. I had my sketchbook with me, and did a sketch of a view from the bench I sat down on.I guess I must explain where on earth that came from...
Last weekend, I ran across a lady's Flickr stream and I was just blown away with pictures from her sketch book. I started doing a little bit of research/Googling and came across the book Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission To Be The Artist You Truly Are, written by Danny Gregory. I must say "Wow" with this book. It is speaking to me. Highly recommend it to all of you! I think I need to learn how to "let go" a bit, and think the book will help me overcome my rubber stamping hurdle, "is this the right way to do this?" question that I always ask. THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY!
Being an only child, I used to draw all the time when I was growing up just to entertain myself. It was the way I played. My dad was an artist and used to sketch and paint each evening, and I remember what an influence that was on my actions. Then, I remember I had a very shitty art teacher in fifth grade that sort of put the brakes on my passion for art. Then, by high school, art was out of the either were college prep or you took art. Never an "and" to that. So, my art went by the wayside. I think my interest in stamping is actually me crying out to go back and pick up where I left off in fifth grade.
I promise this blog won't become a sketchbook sharing type of blog, but I will keep you posted as I get back that "creative license". Hopefully, in time, you will notice it.
Anyway, the business part was okay. The highlight was definitely hearing Carl Anderson talk to our group. I read his book in preparation, and I think teachers will find it useful.
For fun, a group of us went and ate at the original Cheers on Beacon Hill, and Fire and Ice at Harvard Square. Love, love, love Fire and Ice, which is a mongolian barbeque. The one night after we had eaten at Cheers, we walked across the street to the Boston Public Gardens. I had my sketchbook with me, and did a sketch of a view from the bench I sat down on.I guess I must explain where on earth that came from...
Last weekend, I ran across a lady's Flickr stream and I was just blown away with pictures from her sketch book. I started doing a little bit of research/Googling and came across the book Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission To Be The Artist You Truly Are, written by Danny Gregory. I must say "Wow" with this book. It is speaking to me. Highly recommend it to all of you! I think I need to learn how to "let go" a bit, and think the book will help me overcome my rubber stamping hurdle, "is this the right way to do this?" question that I always ask. THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY!
Being an only child, I used to draw all the time when I was growing up just to entertain myself. It was the way I played. My dad was an artist and used to sketch and paint each evening, and I remember what an influence that was on my actions. Then, I remember I had a very shitty art teacher in fifth grade that sort of put the brakes on my passion for art. Then, by high school, art was out of the either were college prep or you took art. Never an "and" to that. So, my art went by the wayside. I think my interest in stamping is actually me crying out to go back and pick up where I left off in fifth grade.
I promise this blog won't become a sketchbook sharing type of blog, but I will keep you posted as I get back that "creative license". Hopefully, in time, you will notice it.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
May In Review
Unless something earth-shattering happens in the next day (I'll come back and edit of course), here's my month in review.
Best Day-I think I would say May 20th. This was the day M got to meet Trela. We had a great, leisurely drive over, stopped for delicious pastries at Kennedy's (I rarely allow myself this treat), shopped at Trela's, shopped at Cabela's, ate at Mickey D's (I rarely allow myself this choice), picked up some Wise Brand Onion Rings at a gas station (childhood memories), etc. Just a great day all the way around. It was kinda like an "All About Me Day", except maybe for the Cabela's part.
Also, gotta love May 8th, because that's when I ordered my season football tickets. I hope "same seats as last year, please" will work.
Biggest Accomplishment-Getting my stamping room organized. It was exhausting, but mission accomplished! I love it!
Biggest Surprise-Chris Daughtery getting voted off American Idol so early. WOW! I was happy to see Taylor win it though, over Katharine. And just call me "Paula" because whenever I see Elliott I just cry. I love thinking about all he has accomplished. I had no clue I'd get so attached to the Top 10 finalists. I'm actually thinking about seeing them in concert this summer.
Areas of Learning-Nada.
Books Read-Assessing Writers by Carl Anderson. I had to read this for work because he will be a guest speaker on May 31.
Looking Ahead to June-Will have a very busy June due to a crazy first half of the month at work. There is no way to plan or prepare (like I would do such a thing anyway...LOL), for all of the chaos. Yearly madness before some summer relaxation. Also, will be spending some time in Cincinnati at a conference. Love Cincy because of Stamp Your Art Out, Jungle Jim's, and LaRosa's. And, June 30th....Chicago concert! Summer is not summer without a Chicago concert. Also, June 5th is my first day back at Curves. May the pounds shed because of exercise, because without exercise, that scale isn't budging. I WANT A CAMERA!
Best Day-I think I would say May 20th. This was the day M got to meet Trela. We had a great, leisurely drive over, stopped for delicious pastries at Kennedy's (I rarely allow myself this treat), shopped at Trela's, shopped at Cabela's, ate at Mickey D's (I rarely allow myself this choice), picked up some Wise Brand Onion Rings at a gas station (childhood memories), etc. Just a great day all the way around. It was kinda like an "All About Me Day", except maybe for the Cabela's part.
Also, gotta love May 8th, because that's when I ordered my season football tickets. I hope "same seats as last year, please" will work.
Biggest Accomplishment-Getting my stamping room organized. It was exhausting, but mission accomplished! I love it!
Biggest Surprise-Chris Daughtery getting voted off American Idol so early. WOW! I was happy to see Taylor win it though, over Katharine. And just call me "Paula" because whenever I see Elliott I just cry. I love thinking about all he has accomplished. I had no clue I'd get so attached to the Top 10 finalists. I'm actually thinking about seeing them in concert this summer.
Areas of Learning-Nada.
Books Read-Assessing Writers by Carl Anderson. I had to read this for work because he will be a guest speaker on May 31.
Looking Ahead to June-Will have a very busy June due to a crazy first half of the month at work. There is no way to plan or prepare (like I would do such a thing anyway...LOL), for all of the chaos. Yearly madness before some summer relaxation. Also, will be spending some time in Cincinnati at a conference. Love Cincy because of Stamp Your Art Out, Jungle Jim's, and LaRosa's. And, June 30th....Chicago concert! Summer is not summer without a Chicago concert. Also, June 5th is my first day back at Curves. May the pounds shed because of exercise, because without exercise, that scale isn't budging. I WANT A CAMERA!
Monday, May 29, 2006
A Work Of/For Art!
You may have noticed I haven't been posting many rubber stamping creations for over a month now. What was happening was I was feeling overwhelmed by my stamping room. It was in total chaos. I'm challenged when it comes to organization anyway, and the quantity of stamps and the multitude of supplies were actually hindering me. The room was a mess and I just couldn't create. Everytime I went in there I was simply reminded of what a failure I really am when it comes to having a home for everything.
I enlisted M's help. I brought him up to the stamp room, which was something I rarely do, as I didn't want anyone to see the mess.
He suggested that we build some shelves and take all of the rubber stamps out of the plastic drawers. He thought if they were displayed I'd be more apt to use them.
We did internet searches looking at stamp rooms and he set out to build me some shelves.
In about a week, the shelves were done, and then it came to time to put the stamps on the shelves. I took care of that task, and became almost sick to my stomach that I had so many stamps. At least in drawers I could hide the fact. These stamps on the shelves represent a huge $ investment.The very next day, after I had put all of the stamps on the shelves, Trela called with her news of her closing. I was worried that I couldn't buy much from her because M would have to build even more shelves.
Fast forward to today....yes, I did buy some stamps from Trela on my two trips to her store and managed to find a spot for them on the shelves. I organized all of my paper on the paper display case I bought off of Trela, and then I put all of my supplies away in what used to house my stamps. This is the first time ever, that everything has a place. (Now on to the rest of the house, LOL!)
Please go to my Flickr site and visit the pictures of my "Stamp Studio". This is a huge accomplishment for me. It just screams "create" now. I think I might actually name this the past it has been "The Stamp Room", today in writing I'm calling it "My Stamp Studio"....though I think it needs a special name....Any suggestions? My Play Room? Retreat?
I enlisted M's help. I brought him up to the stamp room, which was something I rarely do, as I didn't want anyone to see the mess.
He suggested that we build some shelves and take all of the rubber stamps out of the plastic drawers. He thought if they were displayed I'd be more apt to use them.
We did internet searches looking at stamp rooms and he set out to build me some shelves.
In about a week, the shelves were done, and then it came to time to put the stamps on the shelves. I took care of that task, and became almost sick to my stomach that I had so many stamps. At least in drawers I could hide the fact. These stamps on the shelves represent a huge $ investment.
Fast forward to today....yes, I did buy some stamps from Trela on my two trips to her store and managed to find a spot for them on the shelves. I organized all of my paper on the paper display case I bought off of Trela, and then I put all of my supplies away in what used to house my stamps. This is the first time ever, that everything has a place. (Now on to the rest of the house, LOL!)
Please go to my Flickr site and visit the pictures of my "Stamp Studio". This is a huge accomplishment for me. It just screams "create" now. I think I might actually name this the past it has been "The Stamp Room", today in writing I'm calling it "My Stamp Studio"....though I think it needs a special name....Any suggestions? My Play Room? Retreat?
I am so proud and amazed with the way it looks right now. I am promising myself (and M) that I will work hard to keep it this way.
Stay tuned for some creations. I can play again!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
More Miles Traveled
Saturday, M and I drove over to the stamp store to pick up a paper storage unit that Trela sold me.
It was nice to be in the store again, but certainly not so nice on the wallet, as I found some more stamps that I "needed". Geesh! I shouldn't buy another thing for the rest of the year. (Though I know I will...especially at Stampaway in August). What was really nice was seeing Trela again, and M got to finally meet her and see the store. I've dragged him to some stamp stores all over the country during our travels, and he agrees...this one is a jewel.
Anyway, I thought it was sweet of M to look past the high cost of fuel, the near 500 miles of driving to and back in one day, just to have a day that was pretty much catered to me. (Though we did spend an hour at Cabela's on the way home). Thanks M!
I'll post a picture of the storage unit soon, just as soon as I decide where to put it and get it loaded.
It was nice to be in the store again, but certainly not so nice on the wallet, as I found some more stamps that I "needed". Geesh! I shouldn't buy another thing for the rest of the year. (Though I know I will...especially at Stampaway in August). What was really nice was seeing Trela again, and M got to finally meet her and see the store. I've dragged him to some stamp stores all over the country during our travels, and he agrees...this one is a jewel.
Anyway, I thought it was sweet of M to look past the high cost of fuel, the near 500 miles of driving to and back in one day, just to have a day that was pretty much catered to me. (Though we did spend an hour at Cabela's on the way home). Thanks M!
I'll post a picture of the storage unit soon, just as soon as I decide where to put it and get it loaded.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Closing a Store, Not a Friendship
This is Trela. She's the owner of a stamp store I absolutely love. Last Saturday, she called me to tell let me know that she's decided to close the store.
Now, the store is in a different state and is a 3 hour and 45 minute drive from my house. She called to see if I could come to the store, so that I can take advantage of the her closing sale before she announced the closing to the public. So, I took Wednesday off and went to Trela's.
I first met Trela two years ago when I somehow happened upon her store when I was visiting schools in her area. I was in the store for just 10 minutes and we were already fast friends. She told me to get in her car, she'd feed me dinner at her house, and then we'd have stamping class after that back at the store. Yes, that was just after knowing her for 10 minutes. Now I normally don't get into a stranger's car and go to a stranger's house, but she didn't feel like a stranger. My gut told me to trust her and I am so glad I did.
Her store is absolutely amazing. It is jammed pack with beautiful stamps and her beautiful work. But, her heart is even more packed. She's full of stories and smiles for all who enter, including me.
It is because of her that I pursued and had a breast reduction. She had shared her former size with me during that first evening that I spent with her, and it just happened to be my then size, exactly. Not to be weird, but I loved her "new girls" and got excited that maybe someday I could have little ones like that too. She gave me courage.
After that first trip to her store, I considered myself a rubber stamper. I had only played around a bit prior, but she helped me learn to love the hobby. She gave me a passion and a "release".
I visited the store every time I was on business in her town, which was about two times a year for the past couple years. She gave me something to look forward to, rather than an boring hotel room, after a grueling day of work at the schools.
The past two times I've driven the 3 3/4 hours just to be in her store, not for school business. She now insists I stay in her lovely home. She's given me a friendship I treasure.
I've always wanted to be Trela in a way. Beautiful house, beautiful family, beautiful store. If I'm honest with myself, I would love to open a stamp store. But, I think Trela's decision to close is teaching me that it is best to keep rubber stamping as a hobby rather than sign up for it to be a job.
The best rubber stamping store that I've ever been to is closing. However, the friendship will continue. I wish Trela nothing but the best. I support her decision, and thank her for the mysterious way she's influenced my life. Really, she's the role model for the person I'd like to be...not in a rubber stamp store owner, beautiful house owner sense, but in the kind-hearted sense.
Now, the store is in a different state and is a 3 hour and 45 minute drive from my house. She called to see if I could come to the store, so that I can take advantage of the her closing sale before she announced the closing to the public. So, I took Wednesday off and went to Trela's.
I first met Trela two years ago when I somehow happened upon her store when I was visiting schools in her area. I was in the store for just 10 minutes and we were already fast friends. She told me to get in her car, she'd feed me dinner at her house, and then we'd have stamping class after that back at the store. Yes, that was just after knowing her for 10 minutes. Now I normally don't get into a stranger's car and go to a stranger's house, but she didn't feel like a stranger. My gut told me to trust her and I am so glad I did.
Her store is absolutely amazing. It is jammed pack with beautiful stamps and her beautiful work. But, her heart is even more packed. She's full of stories and smiles for all who enter, including me.
It is because of her that I pursued and had a breast reduction. She had shared her former size with me during that first evening that I spent with her, and it just happened to be my then size, exactly. Not to be weird, but I loved her "new girls" and got excited that maybe someday I could have little ones like that too. She gave me courage.
After that first trip to her store, I considered myself a rubber stamper. I had only played around a bit prior, but she helped me learn to love the hobby. She gave me a passion and a "release".
I visited the store every time I was on business in her town, which was about two times a year for the past couple years. She gave me something to look forward to, rather than an boring hotel room, after a grueling day of work at the schools.
The past two times I've driven the 3 3/4 hours just to be in her store, not for school business. She now insists I stay in her lovely home. She's given me a friendship I treasure.
I've always wanted to be Trela in a way. Beautiful house, beautiful family, beautiful store. If I'm honest with myself, I would love to open a stamp store. But, I think Trela's decision to close is teaching me that it is best to keep rubber stamping as a hobby rather than sign up for it to be a job.
The best rubber stamping store that I've ever been to is closing. However, the friendship will continue. I wish Trela nothing but the best. I support her decision, and thank her for the mysterious way she's influenced my life. Really, she's the role model for the person I'd like to be...not in a rubber stamp store owner, beautiful house owner sense, but in the kind-hearted sense.
Monday, May 08, 2006
My Walk Around Ohio Stadium
When I got off of work on Friday, I was still feeling pretty down. As I was leaving the office, I decided that maybe I needed a walk. It was such a beautiful evening, and I really didn't have anything to do, since M had other obligations. So, I drove over to Ohio Stadium and walked around the outside of the stadium once. It was rather theraputic. Reminded me of why I remain at my job. Reminded me of something very special. It was actually neat to have a camera along with me, allowing me to notice things I normally don't see when there are 105,000 other people around. Special place, it is. Shrine-like. I*LOVE*THIS*PLACE! There is no place I'd rather be. I need to take more time to walk around The 'Shoe.
I downloaded all my "Walk Around Ohio Stadium" pictures on Flickr. I finally broke down and bought a Pro Membership this past weekend.
I downloaded all my "Walk Around Ohio Stadium" pictures on Flickr. I finally broke down and bought a Pro Membership this past weekend.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
This is a quick post.
I just needed to check in and quickly scream, pout and cry. I am having a terrible week at work. As I was working with a group of teachers, I became the recipient of 15 sets of eyes shooting daggers at me. I'm telling you, I'm not feeling the love, and I know they think I'm a bitch. And, since this is my blog, I'll say their feelings are totally unfounded.
I'm looking forward to decompressing this weekend. 3:00 can't get here quick enough.
I just needed to check in and quickly scream, pout and cry. I am having a terrible week at work. As I was working with a group of teachers, I became the recipient of 15 sets of eyes shooting daggers at me. I'm telling you, I'm not feeling the love, and I know they think I'm a bitch. And, since this is my blog, I'll say their feelings are totally unfounded.
I'm looking forward to decompressing this weekend. 3:00 can't get here quick enough.
Monday, May 01, 2006
April In Review
First of all, I can't even believe April is over and I'm doing this review. Where the hell did April go?
April in Review
Best Day-April 5. I enjoyed a lot of great days in April, but I must say I enjoyed Coach Tressel's "Girls Night Out~Football 101" the most. The event was just made for me, and just confirmed for me how special it is to be a part of the Buckeye Nation. Runners up include Easter, because it was just great to eat a home cooked meal, The Ohio State Spring Game, and Adventures in Stamping in Akron.
Biggest Accomplishment-Well, this isn't really *my* accomplishment, but I think that it just rocks that Ohio State had 9 players drafted in football. I would think now that Coach Tressel could just ask a potential recruit if he's interested in playing in the NFL after college, and if so, just sign on the dotted line to be a Buckeye. We're an NFL factory! (and yes, that's a good thing!) Looking back, I would say my biggest accomplishment was getting my taxes done, but then again, *I* didn't accomplish that either. Come to think of it, I didn't accomplish a damn thing in April. (No, my chapter isn't done yet.)
Biggest Surprise-That IPod accessories are ridiculously overpriced, but needed in order to protect your investment. Geesh!
Areas of Learning-For Adventures in Stamping in Akron, I was able to do a make it/take it with Kevin from Stampscapes. I have previously been rather intimidated by scenic stamping, however, at this convention I was able to get close enough to his booth (as it is always way crowded in Cincy), and he helped to demystify the process for me.
Books Read-"Second Helpings" by Megan McCafferty. That's it. I think I'm officially in a reading funk. I'm actually thinking it is because reading reminds me of work, and right now I'm just feeling a little burned out by work. I'm sure I'll be exploring that issue later if it doesn't go away. I'm hoping that with a little summer break it will. But, just wanted to share, "Second Helpings" is an excellent book.
Looking Ahead to May-Well, I'd better get that chapter done, or else I'm going to be looking for another job. And, I can't let that happen because my extrinsic motivation for working at theOSU comes into play this month, as it is the month we order Faculty/Staff Season Tickets. I am hula-hooping right now for fitness, and hope to be back at Curves by the end of the month. Right now I have good days and some sore days with my foot.
April in Review
Best Day-April 5. I enjoyed a lot of great days in April, but I must say I enjoyed Coach Tressel's "Girls Night Out~Football 101" the most. The event was just made for me, and just confirmed for me how special it is to be a part of the Buckeye Nation. Runners up include Easter, because it was just great to eat a home cooked meal, The Ohio State Spring Game, and Adventures in Stamping in Akron.
Biggest Accomplishment-Well, this isn't really *my* accomplishment, but I think that it just rocks that Ohio State had 9 players drafted in football. I would think now that Coach Tressel could just ask a potential recruit if he's interested in playing in the NFL after college, and if so, just sign on the dotted line to be a Buckeye. We're an NFL factory! (and yes, that's a good thing!) Looking back, I would say my biggest accomplishment was getting my taxes done, but then again, *I* didn't accomplish that either. Come to think of it, I didn't accomplish a damn thing in April. (No, my chapter isn't done yet.)
Biggest Surprise-That IPod accessories are ridiculously overpriced, but needed in order to protect your investment. Geesh!
Areas of Learning-For Adventures in Stamping in Akron, I was able to do a make it/take it with Kevin from Stampscapes. I have previously been rather intimidated by scenic stamping, however, at this convention I was able to get close enough to his booth (as it is always way crowded in Cincy), and he helped to demystify the process for me.
Books Read-"Second Helpings" by Megan McCafferty. That's it. I think I'm officially in a reading funk. I'm actually thinking it is because reading reminds me of work, and right now I'm just feeling a little burned out by work. I'm sure I'll be exploring that issue later if it doesn't go away. I'm hoping that with a little summer break it will. But, just wanted to share, "Second Helpings" is an excellent book.
Looking Ahead to May-Well, I'd better get that chapter done, or else I'm going to be looking for another job. And, I can't let that happen because my extrinsic motivation for working at theOSU comes into play this month, as it is the month we order Faculty/Staff Season Tickets. I am hula-hooping right now for fitness, and hope to be back at Curves by the end of the month. Right now I have good days and some sore days with my foot.
Friday, April 28, 2006
"My Girls" Are One Year Old Today
A year ago today, I was attempting to sleep in my La-Z-Boy chair, sipping water, and feeling at peace. A year ago today, I had breast reduction surgery.
Having breast reduction surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am so grateful my insurance eventually agreed to pay for it and hope that in time, this surgery will be readily covered for anyone who pursues it, because it does improve the quality of life. I hope that any of you out there who are "overly blessed" have the courage to pursue breast reduction, as I can share that since having it done, I no longer feel like a freak. I feel normal.
The date of April 28 will always be important to me. And, should my biggest fear ever come true, if they ever grow back...I will break the bank to have it done again.
Having breast reduction surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I am so grateful my insurance eventually agreed to pay for it and hope that in time, this surgery will be readily covered for anyone who pursues it, because it does improve the quality of life. I hope that any of you out there who are "overly blessed" have the courage to pursue breast reduction, as I can share that since having it done, I no longer feel like a freak. I feel normal.
The date of April 28 will always be important to me. And, should my biggest fear ever come true, if they ever grow back...I will break the bank to have it done again.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
2006 Ohio State Spring Football Game
What a gorgeous day for a football game. Over 63,000 showed up to get a preview of the 2006 Buckeyes. Unbelievable crowd. That's what makes being part of the Buckeye Nation so special. Scarlet won 12-0. Makes me long for fall.
On an unrated note, I walked from my office, to the 'Shoe with no aches and pains. I think that is a positive thing.
On an unrated note, I walked from my office, to the 'Shoe with no aches and pains. I think that is a positive thing.
Friday, April 21, 2006
A Copic Coincidence
I spent the beginning of the week in Wisconsin. I had to visit some schools there as I'm still catching up from my "break" in March. They have an excellent stamp store in the area, that I always look forward to visiting. This is the store that introduced me to Copic markers this past fall.
I visited the store briefly on Tuesday, just to get in my head what purchases I might make on Wednesday when I would have longer time to look and think. I knew there was a possibility I would be adding to my Copic marker collection, as having bought Set B in the fall from them, it would make great sense to buy Set A from them this trip. Copic markers are *very expensive*, almost unjustifiably so. They allowed me to take some photos of some card samples, as I just adore the work they have displayed. I told them that I would be back the next day, as I didn't want them to think I wasn't going to buy anything, after they had granted me photo permission. They remembered me being there in the fall, as I had shared with them that I was from Ohio, and that I was really enjoying the Copic markers I had purchased.
So, Tuesday night I had a decision to make. Buy some stamps, or buy the Copic markers. My bank account, along with the impending "Adventures in Stamping" this weekend, would not allow for both. So, after talking with M that night on the phone, I was all prepared to purchase the Copic makers from the store after the "support the small business guy and don't you want them to still be in business the next time you are there" talk from M. Yes, I was prepared to pay them about $20 more than what I can get the set from Dick Blick online.
Imagine my surprise, shock, disappointment to see that "suddenly" a very inflated pricetag appeared on sets of Copic markers. This was after no pricetags were on the sets on my previous visit, less than 24 hours prior. Coincidence? They knew I wanted those markers and they probably thought they had a live one on their hands that was probably going to buy the Copic markers. They had marked the price up $40 from what the Dick Blick price is.
So, I bought some rubberstamps, thus still supporting the store in general, but didn't give them a $40 profit. I paid only $20 above in the fall. They screwed themselves out of a Copic marker sale with the somewhat greedy act.
I visited the store briefly on Tuesday, just to get in my head what purchases I might make on Wednesday when I would have longer time to look and think. I knew there was a possibility I would be adding to my Copic marker collection, as having bought Set B in the fall from them, it would make great sense to buy Set A from them this trip. Copic markers are *very expensive*, almost unjustifiably so. They allowed me to take some photos of some card samples, as I just adore the work they have displayed. I told them that I would be back the next day, as I didn't want them to think I wasn't going to buy anything, after they had granted me photo permission. They remembered me being there in the fall, as I had shared with them that I was from Ohio, and that I was really enjoying the Copic markers I had purchased.
So, Tuesday night I had a decision to make. Buy some stamps, or buy the Copic markers. My bank account, along with the impending "Adventures in Stamping" this weekend, would not allow for both. So, after talking with M that night on the phone, I was all prepared to purchase the Copic makers from the store after the "support the small business guy and don't you want them to still be in business the next time you are there" talk from M. Yes, I was prepared to pay them about $20 more than what I can get the set from Dick Blick online.
Imagine my surprise, shock, disappointment to see that "suddenly" a very inflated pricetag appeared on sets of Copic markers. This was after no pricetags were on the sets on my previous visit, less than 24 hours prior. Coincidence? They knew I wanted those markers and they probably thought they had a live one on their hands that was probably going to buy the Copic markers. They had marked the price up $40 from what the Dick Blick price is.
So, I bought some rubberstamps, thus still supporting the store in general, but didn't give them a $40 profit. I paid only $20 above in the fall. They screwed themselves out of a Copic marker sale with the somewhat greedy act.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Peep Stadium Makes Flicker Explore!
I was able to pull off a major Flickr feat. On Monday, my picture of the Peep Stadium appeared on Flickr's explore page, thus for a moment my photo was one of the top 500 photos uploaded on March 29, 2006. If you're on Flickr, you know this is an accomplishment.
Here is a shameless plea, please go visit the original photo at Peep Fans In Ohio Stadium on my Flickr site. This will help me remain in the Top 500. Thanks! I appreciate it!
Here is a shameless plea, please go visit the original photo at Peep Fans In Ohio Stadium on my Flickr site. This will help me remain in the Top 500. Thanks! I appreciate it!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Nostalgic Playlist
As I get to know my iPod, which is no small feat, given they don't even give you directions with the iPod (you must access the manual online), I can't help but wonder about my playlist. They are mostly songs from the 70s and 80s that I've been tranfering from my CDs. Now, mind you, when these songs were popular, iPods didn't even exist. I wonder if anyone else's playlist mirrors mine?
But, I must say my playlist does reflect my life I think, or my tendencies. Though I hate to admit it, I always think about the past. Playing as a child, high school, college, etc. I never seem to live in the present. I always wonder what people are up to that I knew from the past. I love watching shows like "Child Stars from the 80s" on E TV because I grew up with those people (well, not literally, but I feel like I know them). Sometimes I wonder if I would just stop Googling people from my past, stop listening to old music (isn't it freaky that 80s stations are now the "Oldies Stations"), I wonder if I'd feel more grown up than what I do. I still feel like a child, and I know my life is just whizzing by as I just keep looking back. Kinda drives me crazy, because actually, I didn't particulary enjoy high school or college. Though I know age is just a number, isn't it time I feel 36 years old? Shouldn't I feel a sense of urgency to do grow up?
I need to look forward.
Baby steps...this week I'm looking forward to the Ohio State Spring Game on Saturday and Adventures in Stamping in Akron on Sunday. (Actually, I don't even count those as baby steps, but wanted to mention that I am eagarly awaiting the upcoming weekend).
I spent Easter at my parents house. Nothing was sugarfree there and I did give in to the temptation (good thing the iPod came before the Easter bunny), but I'm very happy that Monday will be a new start, and I can undo the damage of Easter sweets this week. My sports hula hoop should come sometime this week, so I can begin to exercise a bit, in some way. That should help too.
But, I must say my playlist does reflect my life I think, or my tendencies. Though I hate to admit it, I always think about the past. Playing as a child, high school, college, etc. I never seem to live in the present. I always wonder what people are up to that I knew from the past. I love watching shows like "Child Stars from the 80s" on E TV because I grew up with those people (well, not literally, but I feel like I know them). Sometimes I wonder if I would just stop Googling people from my past, stop listening to old music (isn't it freaky that 80s stations are now the "Oldies Stations"), I wonder if I'd feel more grown up than what I do. I still feel like a child, and I know my life is just whizzing by as I just keep looking back. Kinda drives me crazy, because actually, I didn't particulary enjoy high school or college. Though I know age is just a number, isn't it time I feel 36 years old? Shouldn't I feel a sense of urgency to do grow up?
I need to look forward.
Baby steps...this week I'm looking forward to the Ohio State Spring Game on Saturday and Adventures in Stamping in Akron on Sunday. (Actually, I don't even count those as baby steps, but wanted to mention that I am eagarly awaiting the upcoming weekend).
I spent Easter at my parents house. Nothing was sugarfree there and I did give in to the temptation (good thing the iPod came before the Easter bunny), but I'm very happy that Monday will be a new start, and I can undo the damage of Easter sweets this week. My sports hula hoop should come sometime this week, so I can begin to exercise a bit, in some way. That should help too.
Friday, April 14, 2006
I'm "Overweight" and Very Happy About It!
What?!? Am I nuts? Read on...
Today, finally, the scale read 174. Very significant number to me. Why? Well, by weighing 174 I am out of the "Obese" category on the BMI charts and have now entered the "Overweight" category. Yahoo! Also, the number of 174 pounds was what I had to weigh last year to get approved for my breast reduction surgery. A year ago, I was starving myself to weigh 174, and I am happy to report that a year later, now at the number again, I didn't starve myself. I've discovered a new way of eating and tricking my body (more protein, no sugar) and I do think I can keep this way of eating for the rest of my life.
If you've been following the sidebar of this blog from the beginning, you'll know that I set 174 as my minigoal, with my reward being an iPod. Well, as of tonight, I am the proud owner of an iPod Nano. I'm psyched!
Notice too, that the journey is not over. There's a new minigoal along the sidebar along with a very sweet reward for accomplishing it. More on that later.
Today, finally, the scale read 174. Very significant number to me. Why? Well, by weighing 174 I am out of the "Obese" category on the BMI charts and have now entered the "Overweight" category. Yahoo! Also, the number of 174 pounds was what I had to weigh last year to get approved for my breast reduction surgery. A year ago, I was starving myself to weigh 174, and I am happy to report that a year later, now at the number again, I didn't starve myself. I've discovered a new way of eating and tricking my body (more protein, no sugar) and I do think I can keep this way of eating for the rest of my life.
If you've been following the sidebar of this blog from the beginning, you'll know that I set 174 as my minigoal, with my reward being an iPod. Well, as of tonight, I am the proud owner of an iPod Nano. I'm psyched!
Notice too, that the journey is not over. There's a new minigoal along the sidebar along with a very sweet reward for accomplishing it. More on that later.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Jim Tressel and Me, Take 4
This is the picture that was taken by my friend KC during "Girls Night Out~Football 101" last Wednesday. You must know that this photo has been cropped a's the story behind that:
As we were waiting in line to get to interact with Tressel, KC made the decision that she wanted to take the picture using her camera, rather than use mine, because she "knows how her camera works better." That made sense, at the time.
So, when it was finally my turn to stand by Tressel, KC got out her camera. She pushed the button, and as soon as she did, she moved the camera (and it was then looking at the floor) to see the display screen on her camera. That's when the flash went off. She has a delayed flash. Tressel said that he didn't think she got the picture and suggested she try again.
Second attempt, same result. She looked at the screen before the flash went off. At this point, I was getting a bit embarrassed as I don't like attention, and the ladies behind us were getting a bit annoyed as we were prolonging their wait. As I was getting ready to just thank Tressel for his time he said, "Let's try that again."
Again, shot #3, same result. A beautiful shot of the floor. At this point, Coach Tressel started coaching KC on how to take a picture. I was mortified.
Shot #4, both Tressel and I are telling her not to move and to keep looking up. You are seeing the result of those intructions, though most of the picture resulted in just the brick wall behind us with us in the lower third of the photo. So, I cropped the image so that it looked like a more normal shot.
Imagine if she would have used *my* camera, the camera she wasn't familiar with. Geesh!
As we were waiting in line to get to interact with Tressel, KC made the decision that she wanted to take the picture using her camera, rather than use mine, because she "knows how her camera works better." That made sense, at the time.
So, when it was finally my turn to stand by Tressel, KC got out her camera. She pushed the button, and as soon as she did, she moved the camera (and it was then looking at the floor) to see the display screen on her camera. That's when the flash went off. She has a delayed flash. Tressel said that he didn't think she got the picture and suggested she try again.
Second attempt, same result. She looked at the screen before the flash went off. At this point, I was getting a bit embarrassed as I don't like attention, and the ladies behind us were getting a bit annoyed as we were prolonging their wait. As I was getting ready to just thank Tressel for his time he said, "Let's try that again."
Again, shot #3, same result. A beautiful shot of the floor. At this point, Coach Tressel started coaching KC on how to take a picture. I was mortified.
Shot #4, both Tressel and I are telling her not to move and to keep looking up. You are seeing the result of those intructions, though most of the picture resulted in just the brick wall behind us with us in the lower third of the photo. So, I cropped the image so that it looked like a more normal shot.
Imagine if she would have used *my* camera, the camera she wasn't familiar with. Geesh!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Crafty Weekend
Here are the two cards I have to show for my weekend rubberstamping efforts. I'm kinda happy with both. They are both my loose interpretations of the weekly sketch challenge on 2 Peas. The Garden Girl took hours because of me being so layout challenged, but the second one didn't take much time at all.

We had stamp club today too, and our mission was to create cards using just scraps. The person leading today's session brought in a huge amount of already stamped and colored images, papers, embellishments, etc. We do this once a year and give our finished products to a nursing home. I was really frustrated last year trying to put things together, but this year it seemed a bit easier. Maybe, just maybe, layouts are becoming easier. Nah, just a moment of insane thinking there. But, what really struck me was this lady's "scraps". (See photo) Totally gorgeous. She says she just gets going on a technique and just likes to play. She doesn't even bother constructing the cards. Me, I'm just the opposite. I try things, throw away, but I want to end with a finish product. She's all about the process, not the product. Hmm. I've got to think about that. I'm guessing it is freeing.
Pretty easy week at work, or "at home" as I'm sure I'll choose. I'll take it!

We had stamp club today too, and our mission was to create cards using just scraps. The person leading today's session brought in a huge amount of already stamped and colored images, papers, embellishments, etc. We do this once a year and give our finished products to a nursing home. I was really frustrated last year trying to put things together, but this year it seemed a bit easier. Maybe, just maybe, layouts are becoming easier. Nah, just a moment of insane thinking there. But, what really struck me was this lady's "scraps". (See photo) Totally gorgeous. She says she just gets going on a technique and just likes to play. She doesn't even bother constructing the cards. Me, I'm just the opposite. I try things, throw away, but I want to end with a finish product. She's all about the process, not the product. Hmm. I've got to think about that. I'm guessing it is freeing.
Pretty easy week at work, or "at home" as I'm sure I'll choose. I'll take it!
Girls Night Out~Football 101
The Ohio State Alumni Association hosted "Girls Night Out~Football 101 with Coach Tressel" for women only on Wednesday. My friend KC invited me to go, since she had received an email on it (I graduated from Ohio State too, but opt not to be a member of the Alumni Association because they only get two terrible seats to one terrible game a year. I can use my money more strategically to get better seats to a terrible game or to get terrible seats to a better game).
Anyway, the event had over 300 women attending. It was totally awesome. I was at the edge of my seat, as I do think this event was created for me. It began with some appetizers and socializing. This allowed us to get our picture taken with Coach Tressel and get items autographed (KC has a picture of me with Tressel that she hasn't sent me yet...I'll post when she does and I didn't have anything for him to autograph). But then, we all went into this room where he talked through 6 plays. It was so interesting to hear his perspective and get a glimpse into how much the football players have to learn. Then, a local television station did an Oprah-style interview with him. I thought it was facinating, and even walked out with a new OSU Alumni hat, as I won a doorprize. All in all, a very cool night. OSU says they are going to do it again in August with Archie!
One of the things I learned was that the team recites a poem right before taking the field. It goes like this:
I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And that I can do, I ought to do.
And what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I shall do.
Also learned that Tressel was hit in the head (hard!) and dropped to the ground by a football thrown by Craig Krenzel the afternoon of the 2002 National Championship. He joked that since he wasn't thinking too straight, that's probably how they ended up winning. LOL! But seriously, I'm so glad I didn't know that had happened. I was nervous enough as is during that game!
Anyway, the event had over 300 women attending. It was totally awesome. I was at the edge of my seat, as I do think this event was created for me. It began with some appetizers and socializing. This allowed us to get our picture taken with Coach Tressel and get items autographed (KC has a picture of me with Tressel that she hasn't sent me yet...I'll post when she does and I didn't have anything for him to autograph). But then, we all went into this room where he talked through 6 plays. It was so interesting to hear his perspective and get a glimpse into how much the football players have to learn. Then, a local television station did an Oprah-style interview with him. I thought it was facinating, and even walked out with a new OSU Alumni hat, as I won a doorprize. All in all, a very cool night. OSU says they are going to do it again in August with Archie!
One of the things I learned was that the team recites a poem right before taking the field. It goes like this:
I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And that I can do, I ought to do.
And what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I shall do.
Also learned that Tressel was hit in the head (hard!) and dropped to the ground by a football thrown by Craig Krenzel the afternoon of the 2002 National Championship. He joked that since he wasn't thinking too straight, that's probably how they ended up winning. LOL! But seriously, I'm so glad I didn't know that had happened. I was nervous enough as is during that game!
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